Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A moment of Grief...

My Girlfriend... "Princess S"has had a moment yesterday in her life where she was devestated. The loss of her older brother. He took his life. The topper of it is they hadn't talked in years and she didn't get any closure. Trust me folks not for a lack of trying on her part.
She is the kindest, nicest, most loyal and sincere woman I have ever known.
We have been like sisters for about 14 years now. I would trust her with my LIFE.
I felt horrible yesterday....
I had no idea how to help her, console her or be there for her.
All I could do was give her my love, blessings and prayers.
So...I am reaching out...asking all those out here...take time...
reach in yourselves...meditate, say a prayer, light a candle, perform a blessing ritual....just give her some peace and healing from you and your positive energy.
All kind and warmest thoughts are welcomed.


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