Saturday, July 31, 2010

Lovely Lammas...

In Celebration of our Lovely Lammas:

This sabbat is also referred to as Lughnasadh, Lunasa, Hlafmass, the festival of Loaves.

The days start growing shorter and fields are heavy with crops. The corn king is sacrificed and mourning begins for the death of the god (the Sun). This is the first of the Wiccan harvest festivals, it is of fire/light named for the Celtic god Lugh/Llew, Lord of Light.
Witches bake bread, put grain on their altars, count their blessings and give thanks to the Goddess. The smell of baked bread in the air combined with fire to start and cook the loaf, then the grain to help make the bread and water used to grow the grain and included in the recipe then of course the Spirit to enjoy the gift and adore the gift.
I will be baking some bread today in honor of Lammas tomorrow I will also include a candle burning of gold on my altar as well to give thanks to God and begin mourning the Sun as he begins to fade back a little further each day welcoming in Mabon....Autumn Equinox. *which truth be told is my favorite season.
Many blessings this day my friends. Brightest Blessings always. )o(

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