Friday, October 2, 2009

my September....

I would like to share how my life this past month has been setting me up for Success!
1. I am enjoying the school schedule w/the Terrors
2. I have planned two outings....w/all the kids....Branson & Camping
3. I have relocated my altar and taken up reading again each day
4. I have started thinking and working on creating my own home based business
5. I have begun buying Christmas gifts already and storing them away
6. I am recleaning, organizing & rearranging my house from top to bottom
7. I am going to make it a point to either blog or tweet each day...not just once a month
8. Enjoy MY PERSONAL QUIET time more either meditate, read, nap or drink hot tea.
9. Say a Blessing each day for someone
10. Make a comment each day on both my kids Facebook...get involved.
11. Tell everyone how much I love them....
12. BE GRATEFUL and POSITIVE about my relationship, life and myself.
13. SMILE...SMILE and smile some more...will improve my mood and those around me for the better. September...My Birth Month...My new goals....
Just wanted to put it into words so I can be grateful even more when I am feeling down or off the beaten path...for the Goddess leads and guides me in all I do....I am Such a GODDESS as well.

Merry Meet and Merry part and to all: Have an even more productive...OCTOBER.


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